It's been a few months since I've messed with my blog. I almost forgot about it actually. That means I'm not a good blogger I guess. But lots of things have happened since my last I thought now might be a good time to throw one out there. One biggie since I blogged last: Bob and I both turned 50! It's hard to believe!! Don't you think?? I mean really....50?? Oh well. I don't feel it...AT ALL. I guess that's a positive. The alternative is not a preferred I'll have to get used to this....some day. :-)
Another biggie: WE'RE MOVING!!! Some of you may be surprised at the news. Some of you who know us well...won't be too surprised. For about the past year, Bob and I have been tinkering with the idea of moving. Moving to a place we've felt like we've always belonged. To Colorado. Well...our dream is now a reality! We will be moving to Colorado Springs at the end of May...early June. Bob is very fortunate to be going to work for a great company called Hercules Industries. They are a thriving, expanding company and Bob will be able to grow right along with them. He's pumped. :-) As for me...I will be an Army Civilian Nurse at Fort Carson in a pediatric clinic. Going back to my roots I suppose....pediatrics that is...not Army. :-) It will be a new adventure for both of us.
Here are some pics of where we will be living!
I know I said a few...but there are too many pictures to choose from! :-) Beautiful...huh?? We just can't wait to absorb all of this!
Last thing: We bought a new Subaru Forrester. We didn't think 'ol blue would do well in the mountains. Also...I've named my Forrester. Her name is "Subee". My friend Teresa said she needed a name. So that's all I could come up with. :-) But we love her...and she can't wait to get to the mountains! As are we!!
We're looking forward to our new adventure...and I will be more faithful in keeping up my we can keep you all updated. Time to get reacquainted with my Nikon.